Yoga Poses & Guides for All Levels

Welcome to Your Go-To Yoga Guide

Practicing yoga opens up a plethora of beautiful opportunities in life, as well as a new perspective and appreciation.


Whether you've never done yoga in your life and are just curious or you're an experienced yogi looking for something new, you've come to the right place. We're here to support you on this journey, with guides and tips for yoga poses, breathing techniques, equipment, and more!


Yoga can be intimidating as a beginner, but it shouldn't be. If this is you, know that you have our support and we would bet you'd be pleasantly surprised to see the support of your local yoga community as well.

Yoga Pose Types

Learn & Grow as a Yogi

Whether you're gearing up for your first yoga class ever or you've been actively practicing for years, there are always opportunities to grow and better ourselves in our practice.


Check out our guides and tips that aim to cover everything about practicing yoga effectively - from equipment, to at home setups, to health impact, and more!

What Does Kriya Mean in Yoga?

May 18, 2024

Kriya is a Sanskrit term that is widely used in yoga circles. It refers to a set of practices that are designed to purify the body, mind, and spirit. Kriya yoga is a specific type of yoga that emphasizes the use of pranayama, or breath control, to achieve spiritual growth. The goal of kriya yoga…

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Bikram Yoga Teaching & Certification Requirements

April 10, 2024

Bikram Yoga is a dynamic and challenging yoga practice that has gained popularity around the world. Also known as “26 + 2 Yoga”, it is a style of yoga that has risen in popularity in recent years. It was developed in the 1970s by Bikram Choudhury and consists of a series of 26 poses and…

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How to Establish a Consistent Yoga Routine

April 3, 2024

Many people find that yoga is a great way to improve their physical and mental health. However, getting started can be overwhelming, especially if you’re not sure where to begin. Let’s take a look at the important things to consider when establishing or reestablishing a yoga routine so you can be consistent and effective. Key…

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What is Iyengar Yoga?

March 27, 2024

Iyengar yoga is a form of Hatha yoga that emphasizes the precise physical alignment of the body within particular postures. This yoga style was developed by B.K.S. Iyengar, who is considered one of the foremost yoga teachers in the world. Iyengar yoga is a disciplined system with carefully planned and timed sequences. The name “Iyengar”…

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What is Bikram (26 + 2) Yoga?

March 20, 2024

Bikram yoga is often referred to as “hot yoga” because of the high temperature and humidity levels in the room. However, the Bikram Yoga sequence is a very specific set of poses and breathing exercises, rather than just the temperature. This type of yoga is known for its many benefits, including increased flexibility, improved circulation,…

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Ashtanga Yoga: Definition, History, & Benefits

March 13, 2024

Ashtanga yoga is a popular style of yoga that has gained a lot of attention in recent years. The word “Ashtanga” is derived from two Sanskrit words, “ashta” meaning eight and “anga” meaning limbs. Therefore, Ashtanga yoga is the practice of the eight limbs of yoga, which are outlined in Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras. The eight…

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Yoga Quiz: What is your Dominant Guna?

March 6, 2024

In Hindu and yogic philosophy, the concept of the three gunas is fundamental to understanding the nature of reality and the human experience. The word “guna” can be translated as “quality” or “attribute” of nature. These three gunas — Sattva, Rajas, and Tamas — are considered to be the essential energies or forces that permeate…

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What Does Tamas Mean in Yoga?

February 28, 2024

In the context of yoga practice, tamas guna is believed to be a hindrance to spiritual growth. It is said that when tamas is in excess, it manifests as laziness, attachment, depression, and other negative emotions. Therefore, yoga practitioners aim to reduce and balance tamas guna through various practices such as meditation, pranayama, and mindful…

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What Does Sattva Mean in Yoga?

February 28, 2024

Sattva is a Sanskrit term that is commonly used in yoga philosophy. The goal in yoga is to achieve a state of sattva, which is characterized by purity, peacefulness, and clarity of mind. This state is achieved by practicing yoga and following a sattvic lifestyle, which includes eating a vegetarian diet, getting enough sleep, and…

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