What Does Kriya Mean in Yoga?

Kriya is a Sanskrit term that is widely used in yoga circles. It refers to a set of practices that are designed to purify the body, mind, and spirit. Kriya yoga is a specific type of yoga that emphasizes the use of pranayama, or breath control, to achieve spiritual growth. The goal of kriya yoga…

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Bikram Yoga Teaching & Certification Requirements

Bikram Yoga is a dynamic and challenging yoga practice that has gained popularity around the world. Also known as “26 + 2 Yoga”, it is a style of yoga that has risen in popularity in recent years. It was developed in the 1970s by Bikram Choudhury and consists of a series of 26 poses and…

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How Often Should You Do Yoga?

How often you should do yoga depends on several factors, including your goals, experience level, and schedule. Yoga is a popular form of exercise that can help improve your flexibility, strength, and balance. It can also be a powerful tool for reducing stress and promoting relaxation. However, the benefits of yoga depend on how often…

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Why Do People Do Yoga Barefoot

Have you ever noticed that most yoga classes require you to practice barefoot? This is not just a coincidence or a preference of the instructors. There are several reasons why people do yoga barefoot, and it goes beyond just adhering to tradition. Key Takeaways The Tradition of Yoga Yoga has been practiced for thousands of…

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Should You Walk into a Yoga Class if You Arrive Late?

Late arrival is a common dilemma faced by many yoga practitioners. It’s not uncommon to encounter unexpected delays that cause you to be late for your yoga class. However, the question remains: should you walk into a yoga class if you arrive late? Understanding yoga etiquette is crucial before attending a yoga class. Arriving on…

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How to Stay Motivated to Do Yoga Regularly: Tips and Tricks

Are you struggling to stay motivated to do yoga regularly? It’s not uncommon to find yourself losing interest or feeling like you don’t have the time to commit to a consistent yoga practice. However, practicing yoga regularly can bring numerous benefits to your physical and mental health, making it well worth the effort. In this…

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Bringing a Brand New Friend to Yoga: Tips and Advice

Bringing a friend to yoga can be a great way to introduce them to the practice and help them experience the many benefits that yoga has to offer. However, if your friend is brand new to yoga, it’s important to approach the situation with care and consideration. By taking the time to understand their needs,…

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Outdoor vs Indoor Yoga: Which is Better for Your Practice?

Starting a new yoga practice or switching up your current routine can really enhance your experience. You may be wondering whether indoor or outdoor yoga is the better option or considering expanding into one you haven’t yet done. Both have their benefits and drawbacks, so it ultimately comes down to personal preference and what works…

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What is Paddleboard (SUP) Yoga? 

Are you looking for a new way to challenge your yoga practice? Have you ever considered trying paddleboard yoga? Paddleboard yoga, also known as SUP (stand-up paddleboard) yoga, is a unique and exciting way to take your yoga practice to the water. It combines the physical benefits of yoga with the added challenge of balancing…

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What to Expect at Your First Yoga Session

First yoga sessions can be exciting, but also intimidating. However, with the right preparation, you can feel confident and comfortable in your first class. Physically Preparing for Your First Yoga Session Before your first yoga session, it’s important to be in good physical health. You should avoid any strenuous exercise or heavy meals several hours…

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