Scale (Tolasana)

Pose Overview

Common Name Scale
Traditional Sanskrit Name Tolasana
Sanskrit Name Pronunciation toe-LAHS-uh-nuh
Pose Difficulty Advanced
Drishti is the gaze or visual focus point during yoga poses.
Learn more about Drishti
Straight ahead or the nose

Tolasana, also known as the Scale Pose, is an advanced arm balance pose in yoga. It requires a strong foundation of balance and strength in the arms, wrists, and core. This pose provides a great challenge for experienced yoga practitioners, as it requires focus, concentration, and stability. Tolasana stretches the abdominal muscles while also building strength in the arms and wrists. It is a dynamic and energizing pose that can be incorporated into a flowing yoga practice. Overall, Tolasana is a valuable pose for those looking to enhance their balance, strength, and overall yoga practice.

Benefits of Scale

Improves balance Strengthens arms and wrists Stretches the abdominal muscles Enhances focus and concentration

How to Enter Scale

Begin in a seated position with your legs extended in front of you. Place your hands on the floor next to your hips. Bend your knees and bring the soles of your feet towards your hips. Grasp your ankles and lift your hips up off the floor. Straighten your arms and legs, coming into a balanced position.

How to Exit Scale

Slowly lower your hips back to the floor. Release your ankles and bring your feet back to the floor. Sit up tall, stretching your arms overhead.

Common Scale Modifications & Variations

Use a block or blanket for support under your hips. Practice with bent knees for a less challenging version.

Common Mistakes with Scale

Locking the elbows Not engaging the core muscles Not keeping the neck relaxed

Safety Guidance

People with wrist or shoulder injuries should avoid this pose. Those with back or neck injuries should practice with caution. Use caution and listen to your body, coming out of the pose if you experience any discomfort.

Person performing the Scale (Tolasana) Yoga Pose


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