Marichi’s II (Marichyasana II)

Pose Overview

Common Name Marichi's II
Traditional Sanskrit Name Marichyasana II
Sanskrit Name Pronunciation mar-ee-chee-AHS-ah-nuh
Pose Difficulty Intermediate
Drishti is the gaze or visual focus point during yoga poses.
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Straight ahead or the nose

Marichi's Pose II, also known as Marichyasana II, is a standing yoga pose that strengthens and stretches the legs, hips, and core. The pose is named after the sage Marichi, one of the sons of Brahma, the creator god in Hinduism. The pose is a variation of the seated Marichyasana I, which is typically done as part of the primary series of Ashtanga Yoga. Marichi's Pose II is considered an intermediate level pose, as it requires balance, flexibility, and strength in the legs and core.

Benefits of Marichi's II

Strengthens legs, hips, and core, improves balance and focus, stretches the hip flexors and spine

How to Enter Marichi's II

Begin in a standing position with your feet hip-distance apart. Bend your right knee, placing your right foot on the inside of your left thigh. Reach your right arm behind your back, and use your left hand to grab your right wrist or elbow. Keep your gaze forward and your chest lifted as you twist your torso to the left. Hold for five to ten breaths, then release and repeat on the other side.

How to Exit Marichi's II

Release the bind and bring your arms back to your sides. Slowly straighten your right leg, returning to a standing position. Repeat on the other side.

Common Marichi's II Modifications & Variations

If it is difficult to reach your right arm behind your back, you can use a strap or towel to help you. If you are having trouble balancing, you can use a wall or chair for support. You can also perform the pose with your left leg instead of right leg

Common Mistakes with Marichi's II

Rounding your back or shoulders Not keeping your gaze forward Not engaging your core

Safety Guidance

If you have any knee or lower back injuries, be cautious when performing this pose. If you have any shoulder injuries, do not use your arm behind your back. Make sure you are not twisting too much and you are keeping your core engaged

Person performing the Marichi's II (Marichyasana II) Yoga Pose


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