Standing Forward Bend (Uttanasana)

Pose Overview

Common Name Standing Forward Bend
Traditional Sanskrit Name Uttanasana
Sanskrit Name Pronunciation oot-tah-NAH-sah-na
Pose Difficulty Beginner
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Standing Forward Bend Pose (Uttanasana) is a yoga pose that is said to be beneficial for stretching out the back and legs, as well as for promoting a sense of balance and focus. The name of the pose comes from the fact that it involves standing up straight and then bending forward to touch the hands to the feet, thus stretching the entire back of the body. The pose is said to be helpful for increasing flexibility and strength in the back and legs, and for promoting a sense of balance and focus. It is also said to be beneficial for relieving stress and anxiety, and for promoting a sense of inner peace. In traditional yoga practice, this pose is said to be associated with the element of earth, and is said to improve grounding and stability in the body. It is also said to be beneficial for reducing the symptoms of anxiety and depression by releasing tension in the body and promoting a sense of grounding and balance.

Benefits of Standing Forward Bend

Stretches the hamstrings and lower back Calms the mind and reduces stress Improves digestion Increases blood flow to the head, which can help to improve concentration

How to Enter Standing Forward Bend

Begin standing at the top of your mat with your feet hip-distance apart. Inhale, and raise your arms overhead, reaching your fingers towards the ceiling. Exhale and fold forward from the hips, bringing your hands towards the floor. If you can't touch the floor, place your hands on your shins or on blocks. Keep a slight bend in your knees if you have tight hamstrings. Keep your spine long and your head relaxed.

How to Exit Standing Forward Bend

Inhale and slowly lift your torso back up to standing, bringing your arms back overhead. Exhale and release your arms back down to your sides.

Common Standing Forward Bend Modifications & Variations

Bend your knees slightly if you have tight hamstrings. Use blocks under your hands if you can't reach the floor. Practice with your feet closer together or farther apart to find the most comfortable position for your body.

Common Mistakes with Standing Forward Bend

Rounding the back or shoulders Placing too much weight on the head or neck

Safety Guidance

Be mindful of any lower back or knee injuries Keep a slight bend in the knees if you have tight hamstrings Avoid this pose if you have high blood pressure

Person performing the Halfway Lift (Ardha Uttanasana) Yoga Pose


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