Yoga Blankets: The Essential Yoga Prop for Support and Comfort

// Updated: August 18, 2023

Yoga blankets have been a staple in yoga practice for centuries, providing practitioners with the necessary support, cushioning, warmth, and comfort they need to enhance their yoga experience. Let’s explore the history, benefits, and uses of yoga blankets, as well as provide a buying guide and maintenance tips.

What Are Yoga Blankets?

Yoga blankets are specially designed blankets made from various materials such as cotton, wool, or fleece. They are used in yoga practice to provide support, cushioning, and warmth during asanas (yoga poses), restorative yoga, and meditation.

Brief History of Yoga Blankets

Yoga blankets have been used in yoga practice for centuries, dating back to the ancient traditions of India. They were originally made from cotton, wool, and other natural materials, and were used as meditation shawls or to wrap around the body to keep warm during yoga practice. 

Today, yoga blankets are available in a variety of materials, colors, and designs to suit the needs and preferences of modern yoga practitioners.

Purpose of Yoga Blankets in Yoga Practice

Yoga blankets serve several purposes in yoga practice, including providing support and cushioning for the body, maintaining body temperature, and enhancing the overall yoga experience. They can be used in a variety of poses and practices, including asanas, restorative yoga, and meditation.

Types of Yoga Blankets

Material and Fabric

Yoga blankets are available in various materials, including cotton, wool, and fleece. 

  • Cotton blankets are lightweight and breathable.
  • Wool blankets provide warmth and durability. 
  • Fleece blankets are soft and comfortable and are often used in restorative yoga practices.

Size and Shape

Yoga blankets come in various sizes and shapes, including rectangular, square, and round. The standard size for a yoga blanket is 80 inches by 50 inches, but smaller sizes are also available for specific practices or personal preferences.

Color and Design

Yoga blankets come in a variety of colors and designs, from solid colors to intricate patterns. The design of the blanket is a personal choice and can add an aesthetic appeal to your yoga practice.

Benefits of Yoga Blankets

Support and Cushioning

Yoga blankets provide support and cushioning for the body during yoga practice, helping to alleviate pressure on joints and muscles. They can be used to modify poses, making them accessible for beginners or those with injuries or limitations.

Warmth and Comfort

Yoga blankets can help maintain body temperature during yoga practice, especially in colder environments. They also provide comfort and relaxation during restorative yoga practices, promoting a sense of well-being and relaxation.

Flexibility and Versatility

Yoga blankets are versatile and can be used in various poses and practices, making them an essential prop for yoga practitioners of all levels.

How to Use Yoga Blankets

As Props in Yoga Asanas

Yoga blankets can be used as props in various yoga poses, or asanas, to provide support and cushioning for the body. Some common poses that utilize yoga blankets include:

As Support in Restorative Yoga

Yoga blankets can also be used as support in restorative yoga practices, where poses are held for extended periods of time to promote relaxation and healing. Some common restorative poses that utilize yoga blankets include:

As a Tool for Breathwork and Meditation

Yoga blankets can also be used as a tool for breathwork and meditation, providing comfort and support during these practices. Some common ways to use yoga blankets for breathwork and meditation include:

  • Seated Meditation (Sukhasana): Use a folded blanket under the hips to elevate the pelvis and promote comfort and ease in this seated position.
  • Pranayama (Breathwork): Practices such as Ujjayi, Nadi Shodhana, and Kapalabhati. Use a folded blanket to provide support and cushioning during these breathing practices.

Other Uses for Yoga Blankets

Yoga blankets can also be used for other purposes, such as to cover yourself during meditation, as a makeshift yoga mat, or as a prop for stretching or Pilates exercises.

Buying Guide for Yoga Blankets

When choosing a yoga blanket, consider the following factors:

  • Quality and Durability: Choose a blanket made from high-quality materials that can withstand the wear and tear of regular use.
  • Price Range: Yoga blankets are available at various price points, from budget-friendly to high-end. Consider your budget and choose a blanket that meets your needs and preferences.
  • Brand and Style: Choose a brand and style that resonates with your yoga practice and personal preferences.

Maintenance and Care for Yoga Blankets

To maintain the quality and longevity of your yoga blanket, follow these maintenance tips:

Washing and Drying

Follow the care instructions on the blanket’s label and wash in cold water on a gentle cycle. Avoid using fabric softeners and bleach. Hang or lay flat to dry.

Storage and Organization

Store your yoga blanket in a dry, cool place to prevent mildew or odors. Fold or roll the blanket neatly and store it with your other yoga props.

Repair and Replacement

If your yoga blanket gets damaged or worn out, consider repairing it if possible. If the blanket cannot be repaired, consider replacing it with a new one.

Frequently Asked Questions about Yoga Blankets

What are the best materials for yoga blankets?

Yoga blankets are available in various materials, and the best material depends on your personal preference. Cotton blankets are lightweight and breathable, while wool blankets provide warmth and durability. Fleece blankets are soft and comfortable and are often used in restorative yoga practices.

How do I clean my yoga blankets?

Follow the care instructions on the blanket’s label and wash in cold water on a gentle cycle. Avoid using fabric softeners and bleach. Hang or lay flat to dry.

What is the ideal size for a yoga blanket?

The standard size for a yoga blanket is 80 inches by 50 inches, but smaller sizes are also available for specific practices or personal preferences.

How can I use yoga blankets to deepen my practice?

Yoga blankets can be used as props in various poses to provide support, cushioning, and modify poses to make them more accessible. They can also be used in restorative yoga practices and for breathwork and meditation.

Can I use regular blankets instead of yoga blankets?

Regular blankets can be used as a substitute for yoga blankets, but they may not provide the same level of support and cushioning that a yoga blanket offers. Yoga blankets are specifically designed for yoga practice and may be more durable and better suited for the demands of regular use.

Using Yoga Blankets in Your Practice

Yoga blankets are an essential prop for yoga practitioners of all levels, providing support, cushioning, warmth, and comfort during asanas, restorative yoga, and meditation. When choosing a yoga blanket, consider the material, size, and design, and follow proper maintenance and care to ensure longevity. With the help of yoga blankets, you can deepen your practice and enhance your yoga experience.