Essential Yoga Terms to Know

// Updated: February 20, 2023

Yoga is a physical, mental, and spiritual practice that has been around for thousands of years. It is a way to connect the mind, body, and spirit, promoting physical health, mental well-being, and spiritual growth. To fully participate in yoga and to get the most out of your practice, it is important to understand the basic terminology used in yoga.

As a beginner, it is important to know the basic yoga terms that are commonly used in classes and in the broader yoga community. These terms will help you understand the instructions given during class, as well as allow you to communicate more effectively with other yogis.

However, it is important to note that learning yoga terminology is an ongoing process, and you will continue to encounter new terms as you progress in your practice.

Essential Yoga Terms and Definitions:

  • Asana: A physical posture or position in yoga, such as Downward-Facing Dog or Warrior II.
  • Pranayama: The practice of controlling the breath in yoga, used to regulate the body’s energy.
  • Namaste: A greeting or farewell commonly used in yoga, meaning “the light in me honors the light in you.”
  • Chakra: One of seven energy centers in the body, each associated with different physical and emotional aspects.
  • Mantra: A word or phrase, repeated mentally or out loud, used as a tool for meditation and focus.
  • Savasana: The final resting pose in a yoga practice, often referred to as “Corpse Pose.”
  • Vinyasa: A sequence of movements that connect one asana to the next, often linked to the breath.
  • Mudra: A hand gesture used in yoga, meditation, and dance to direct energy flow and enhance the practice.
  • Om: A sacred sound and mantra used in yoga, often chanted at the beginning and end of a practice.

The Importance of Knowing Yoga Terminology

Understanding the basic yoga terms is essential for a fulfilling practice. By familiarizing yourself with these terms, you will be able to better understand and participate in yoga classes, as well as connect with other yogis.

If you are just starting your yoga journey, this list of essential yoga terms is a great starting point. Be sure to check out other articles and poses to continue growing and learning.