Should You Avoid Doing Yoga While on Your Period?

// Updated: December 22, 2023

If you’re someone who menstruates and enjoys practicing yoga, you may have wondered whether it’s safe to do yoga during your period. The answer is yes, you can do yoga during your period. In fact, practicing yoga during your period can be beneficial as it can help alleviate some of the symptoms that come with menstruation, such as cramping and moodiness.

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While there is no evidence to suggest that practicing yoga during your period is harmful, some people may feel uncomfortable doing certain poses during this time. It’s important to listen to your body and do what feels right for you. In this article, we’ll explore the physical and emotional impact of yoga during your period, the yoga poses to avoid, alternative yoga practices to consider, and more.

Key Takeaways

  • Practicing yoga during your period is safe and can help alleviate some of the symptoms that come with menstruation.
  • While there is no evidence to suggest that practicing yoga during your period is harmful, some people may feel uncomfortable doing certain poses during this time.
  • It’s important to listen to your body and do what feels right for you.

Physical Impact of Yoga During Period

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When you are on your period, you may experience pain, cramps, bloating, discomfort, and fatigue. Yoga can help alleviate some of these symptoms, but it is important to listen to your body and modify your practice accordingly.

During menstruation, the uterus sheds its lining, which can cause discomfort and cramping. Certain yoga poses can help improve blood flow to the pelvic area and ease cramping. These poses include Child’s Pose, Cat-Cow, and Supine Twist.

On the other hand, some yoga poses may exacerbate cramping or discomfort. Poses that compress the abdomen, such as Forward Fold or Upward Plank, may not feel good during your period. It is important to listen to your body and avoid any poses that cause pain or discomfort.

Your energy levels may also be affected during your period. You may feel more fatigued or have lower energy levels. Gentle yoga poses, such as Restorative Yoga or Yin Yoga, can help you relax and restore your energy levels.

In summary, practicing yoga during your period can be beneficial for improving blood flow, easing cramping, and restoring energy levels. However, it is important to listen to your body and modify your practice accordingly. Avoid any poses that cause pain or discomfort, and focus on gentle yoga poses that help you relax and restore your energy levels.

Emotional and Mental Impact of Yoga During Period

Practicing yoga during your period can have a positive impact on your emotional and mental state. Yoga is known to help reduce stress and anxiety, which can be especially beneficial during your menstrual cycle when you may experience heightened emotions.

Restorative yoga poses, in particular, can be helpful during your period. These poses are designed to help you relax and unwind, which can help alleviate menstrual cramps and other physical discomforts. Some restorative poses you may want to try during your period include:

  • Child’s pose
  • Legs up the wall
  • Reclining bound angle pose

Taking time to rest and relax during your period is important for both your physical and emotional well-being. Practicing yoga can help you do just that, while also providing a gentle form of exercise that can help improve your overall mood and energy levels.

So, don’t be afraid to roll out your yoga mat during your period. Just take it slow, listen to your body, and focus on restorative poses that will help you relax and unwind.

Yoga Poses to Avoid During Period

When you’re on your period, certain yoga poses can be uncomfortable or even painful. It’s important to listen to your body and avoid poses that don’t feel right. Here are some yoga poses to avoid during your period:

  • Inversions: Poses that involve going upside down, like headstand and handstand, are best avoided during your period. Inversions can disrupt the natural flow of blood and energy in your body, which can make cramps worse. Instead, try gentle forward folds or restorative poses.

  • Shoulder stand: While shoulder stand is a popular yoga pose, it’s best to avoid it during your period. This pose puts pressure on your neck and shoulders, and can also disrupt the flow of blood in your body. Instead, try a supported bridge pose or a gentle twist.

  • Other inversions during menstruation: In general, it’s best to avoid all inversions during your period. This includes poses like handstand, headstand, and shoulder stand. If you’re unsure about a pose, listen to your body and avoid it if it doesn’t feel right.

Remember, everyone’s body is different, so what works for one person may not work for another. It’s important to listen to your body and do what feels right for you. If you’re experiencing cramps or discomfort during your period, try gentle yoga poses that focus on relaxation and stress relief.

Alternative Yoga Practices During Period

When you’re on your period, it’s important to listen to your body and adjust your yoga practice accordingly. While inversions are generally safe during menstruation, some women may feel uncomfortable or experience heavier bleeding. If you’re looking for alternative yoga practices during your period, consider the following:

  • Restorative Yoga: This type of yoga focuses on relaxation and deep breathing, making it a great option during your period. Restorative yoga poses, such as supported child’s pose and legs up the wall, can help alleviate cramps and reduce stress.

  • Yin Yoga: Similar to restorative yoga, yin yoga involves holding poses for an extended period of time. Yin yoga poses, such as the supine twist, can help release tension in the lower back and hips.

  • Legs Up the Wall: This gentle inversion pose can help alleviate menstrual cramps and reduce bloating. Simply lie on your back with your legs up against a wall and relax.

  • Child’s Pose: This gentle pose can help stretch the lower back and relieve menstrual cramps. To perform child’s pose, kneel on the floor with your toes touching and your knees spread apart. Lower your torso forward and rest your forehead on the floor.

  • Supine Twist: This gentle twist can help alleviate tension in the lower back and hips. To perform the supine twist, lie on your back with your knees bent and feet on the floor. Slowly lower your knees to one side, keeping your shoulders on the ground.

  • Savasana: This pose, also known as corpse pose, involves lying flat on your back with your arms at your sides. Savasana can help reduce stress and promote relaxation during your period.

Remember, it’s important to listen to your body and adjust your yoga practice accordingly. If you’re experiencing heavy bleeding or discomfort, take a break from your yoga practice and focus on rest and relaxation.

Understanding Your Body

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As a menstruating woman, it’s important to listen to your body and understand the changes it goes through during your menstrual cycle. Menstrual symptoms vary from person to person, but common symptoms include cramping, bloating, mood swings, and fatigue.

Yoga can be a helpful tool to alleviate some of these symptoms, but it’s important to be mindful of your body’s needs. If you feel fatigued or have severe cramps, it’s okay to take a break from your yoga practice.

If you have a health condition such as endometriosis or retrograde menstruation, it’s important to speak with your doctor before practicing yoga while on your period. Certain yoga poses may exacerbate these conditions and cause discomfort.

If you have polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) or are struggling with infertility, yoga may be a helpful tool to manage stress and improve overall health. However, it’s important to consult with your doctor before starting any new exercise routine.

In general, practicing yoga during your period is safe and can even help alleviate menstrual symptoms. However, it’s important to be mindful of your body’s needs and limitations. If you feel uncomfortable or fatigued, take a break and listen to your body.

Yoga and Period Products

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When it comes to doing yoga during your period, it’s important to consider what period products you’re using. You want to make sure you feel comfortable and secure throughout your practice. Here are some tips to help you choose the right period products for yoga:


Tampons are a popular choice for yoga because they’re discreet and won’t get in the way of your practice. Make sure to choose the right absorbency level for your flow and change your tampon every 4-8 hours to avoid leaks and odor. If you’re new to tampons, start with a smaller size and work your way up to find the right fit for you.

Menstrual Cups

Menstrual cups are a great option for yoga because they’re comfortable, eco-friendly, and can be worn for up to 12 hours. They’re also less likely to cause irritation or dryness compared to tampons. However, it may take some practice to get used to inserting and removing the cup. Make sure to read the instructions carefully and try different folding techniques to find the one that works best for you.


Pads are another option for yoga, but they may feel bulky and uncomfortable during certain poses. If you prefer pads, choose ones with wings and a high absorbency level to prevent leaks. You can also try period-proof underwear or leggings for added protection.


No matter what period product you choose, it’s important to practice good hygiene during your yoga practice. Make sure to wash your hands before and after changing your period product, and bring extra supplies just in case. If you’re using a public restroom, bring disinfectant wipes to clean the toilet seat and handle.

Prenatal Yoga

If you’re pregnant and practicing yoga during your period, it’s important to talk to your doctor first. Prenatal yoga can be a great way to relieve cramps and stress, but some poses may need to be modified or avoided. Make sure to listen to your body and take breaks as needed.

Yoga During Menstruation

Overall, it’s safe to do yoga during your period as long as you feel comfortable and take the necessary precautions. Avoid poses that put pressure on your abdomen, such as inversions, and focus on gentle stretches and breathing exercises instead. Remember to stay hydrated and listen to your body’s needs.

Fact-Checking and Misconceptions

There are many misconceptions about practicing yoga during your period. Some people believe that it is not safe to do so because it can cause harm to your reproductive organs. However, this is not true. According to medical experts, practicing yoga during your period is very safe and can actually help alleviate some of the symptoms associated with menstruation, such as cramping and moodiness.

One common misconception is that you should avoid any vigorous practice during your period. While it is true that some women may find it uncomfortable to engage in a rigorous practice during their period, there is no medical reason to avoid it. In fact, many women find that a more vigorous practice can help alleviate menstrual cramps and other symptoms.

Another misconception is that you should avoid any poses that involve gravity, such as inversions. While it is true that some women may find inversions uncomfortable during their period, there is no medical reason to avoid them. In fact, some women find that inversions can help alleviate menstrual cramps and other symptoms.

It is also a common misconception that yoga originated in India. While it is true that yoga has its roots in India, it has evolved and spread throughout the world. Today, yoga is practiced by millions of people around the globe.

If you are a registered yoga teacher (RYT), you may have been taught that you should avoid using blocks during your period. However, there is no medical reason to avoid using blocks during your period. In fact, using blocks can help you achieve proper alignment and prevent injury.

Finally, there is a misconception that power yoga is not safe to practice during your period. While it is true that some women may find power yoga uncomfortable during their period, there is no medical reason to avoid it. In fact, many women find that a more vigorous practice can help alleviate menstrual cramps and other symptoms.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is it safe to do yoga during periods?

Yes, it is safe to do yoga during periods. According to experts, yoga can help alleviate menstrual cramps, improve mood, and reduce stress. It is perfectly safe to do yoga during the menstrual cycle, regardless of position, and women should not worry about hurting their reproductive organs through this exercise. However, it is recommended to listen to your body and avoid poses that cause discomfort.

What yoga poses should be avoided during periods?

It is recommended to avoid inversions, such as headstands and shoulder stands, during periods. These poses can increase blood flow to the uterus and disrupt the natural flow of your menstrual cycle. It is also recommended to avoid intense twists and backbends, as they can cause discomfort and pain.

What are the benefits of doing yoga during periods?

Yoga can provide numerous benefits during periods, such as reducing menstrual cramps, improving mood, reducing stress, and increasing blood flow to the pelvic region. Certain yoga poses, such as forward folds and gentle twists, can help alleviate menstrual cramps and discomfort.

Can yoga cause early periods?

No, yoga cannot cause early periods. Menstruation is a natural process that is regulated by hormones in the body. Yoga can help regulate hormone levels and improve overall reproductive health, but it cannot cause early periods.

Is it okay to do downward dog during periods?

Yes, it is okay to do downward dog during periods. Downward dog is a gentle inversion that can help alleviate menstrual cramps and improve blood flow to the pelvic region. However, it is recommended to avoid intense inversions, such as headstands and shoulder stands, during periods.

What exercises should be avoided during periods?

It is recommended to avoid high-intensity exercises, such as running and jumping, during periods. These exercises can cause discomfort and pain and may disrupt the natural flow of your menstrual cycle. It is also recommended to avoid intense twists and backbends, as they can cause discomfort and pain. Instead, focus on gentle yoga poses and low-impact exercises, such as walking and swimming.