Yoga Quiz: What is your Dominant Guna?

// Updated: March 6, 2024

In Hindu and yogic philosophy, the concept of the three gunas is fundamental to understanding the nature of reality and the human experience. The word “guna” can be translated as “quality” or “attribute” of nature.

These three gunas — Sattva, Rajas, and Tamas — are considered to be the essential energies or forces that permeate all of existence.

Sattva is characterized by qualities of purity, harmony, and balance, promoting clarity, spirituality, and wellbeing.
Learn more about Sattva →

Rajas is associated with activity, passion, and dynamism, driving change, ambition, and creativity.
Learn more about Rajas →

Tamas, on the other hand, embodies inertia, darkness, and heaviness, often leading to confusion, lethargy, and disconnection.
Learn more about Tamas →

Each individual and aspect of the universe is a unique blend of these three gunas, with one typically being more dominant than the others. Understanding and balancing these gunas in oneself is key to achieving a state of inner peace and enlightenment in various spiritual practices, including yoga and meditation.

Learn more about your balance of these three gunas, as well as which is your dominant guna by taking the quiz below!

Dominant Guna: Personality Quiz