What is Paddleboard (SUP) Yoga? 

// Updated: August 7, 2023

Are you looking for a new way to challenge your yoga practice? Have you ever considered trying paddleboard yoga? Paddleboard yoga, also known as SUP (stand-up paddleboard) yoga, is a unique and exciting way to take your yoga practice to the water. It combines the physical benefits of yoga with the added challenge of balancing on a stand-up paddleboard.

SUP yoga is a great way to connect with nature and challenge your mind and body. Practicing yoga on a paddleboard requires a strong core and refined balance, making it an excellent workout for your entire body. Additionally, being surrounded by water can create a sense of calm and serenity, allowing you to deepen your yoga practice and connect with your breath. 

Let’s explore the basics of paddleboard yoga, including what it is, its benefits, and some popular poses to try.

What is Paddleboard Yoga?

Paddleboard Yoga, also known as SUP Yoga, is a form of yoga that has been growing in popularity over the last few years. It involves practicing yoga while standing on a paddleboard in calm water, such as a lake or a swimming pool.

The practice of Paddleboard Yoga combines the benefits of yoga with the added challenge of balancing on a paddleboard. This unique form of yoga requires a great deal of focus, strength, and stability. It is an excellent way to improve your balance, core strength, and overall fitness.

Especially for beginners, the paddleboards used in Paddleboard Yoga are similar to any regular paddleboard, but are often made wider and more stable. The board is also designed to be more buoyant, which helps to keep you afloat while practicing yoga poses.

In Paddleboard Yoga, you will perform traditional yoga poses and basic flows, such as:

These asanas are all done while balancing on the paddleboard. The added challenge of balancing on the board makes these poses more difficult, but also more rewarding.

If you are new to Paddleboard Yoga, it is recommended that you start with a beginner’s class and simpler poses. These classes are designed to help you build your strength and confidence on the board, and they often take place in a swimming pool or on the beach.

Paddleboard Yoga is a fun and challenging way to practice yoga while enjoying the great outdoors. It is a great way to improve your balance, core strength, and overall fitness, while also enjoying the peace and tranquility of the water.

Benefits of Paddleboard Yoga

Improved Balance and Stability

Balancing on a paddleboard requires constant core engagement and focus, helping to strengthen and improve balance both on and off the board. Practicing yoga poses on a paddleboard can be more challenging than on land, especially if there are any waves, which can help improve your overall stability and balance.

Full-Body Workout

Paddleboard yoga requires you to use your entire body to maintain balance and perform yoga poses, making it a great full-body workout. You’ll engage your core, arms, legs, and back muscles, helping to build strength and improve overall fitness.

Mental Benefits

Paddleboard yoga can also provide several mental benefits, such as reducing stress and improving mindfulness. The peaceful nature surroundings can help you relax and focus on your breath, enhancing your yoga practice.

Connection with Nature

Practicing yoga on a paddleboard allows you to connect with nature and enjoy the beauty of the water. You’ll feel the sun on your skin, the breeze in your hair, and the water beneath your feet, creating a unique and refreshing experience.

Variety in Your Yoga Practice

Paddleboard yoga can add variety to your yoga practice and help you break out of your routine. It’s a fun and exciting way to challenge yourself and try new poses.

Low Impact Exercise

Paddleboard yoga is a low-impact exercise, making it a great option for people with joint pain or injuries. The water provides a cushioning effect, reducing the impact on your joints.

Getting Started with Paddleboard Yoga

Paddleboard yoga is a fun and challenging way to practice yoga while enjoying the water and nature. If you are new to paddleboard yoga, here are some tips to help you get started.


Before you start, you need to have the right gear. You will need

  • Paddleboard
  • Paddle
  • Life Jacket or other Personal flotation device (PFD)
  • Leash

If you are renting a paddleboard, make sure to ask for all the necessary gear. Depending on the water you’re in, you may want to forego the life jacket if you’re a strong swimmer and it is safe. Better safe than sorry if you’re not fully confident.

We do strongly recommend a leash however. If you fall on a paddleboard, you may send it drifting away from you quite a ways and would have to swim after it without a leash attaching you to it.


An anchor is a useful tool to keep your paddleboard in place while practicing yoga. You can use a small anchor or a sandbag to anchor your board. This will prevent your board from drifting away while you are in a pose.

Inflatable Boards

Inflatable paddleboards are a popular choice for paddleboard yoga because they are easy to transport and store. If you are using an inflatable board, make sure to inflate it properly before heading out. Check the manufacturer’s instructions for the recommended PSI.

Paddleboard Yoga Safety

When practicing paddleboard yoga, safety should always be a top priority. Here are some safety tips to keep in mind:

Check the Weather

Check the weather forecast and wind conditions before heading out. If the wind is too strong, it can be difficult to balance on the board. Also, make sure to apply sunscreen to protect your skin from the sun.

Wear a Life Jacket

Always wear a properly fitting life jacket while practicing paddleboard yoga. Even if you’re a strong swimmer, unexpected falls can happen, and a life jacket can provide the necessary buoyancy to keep you afloat.

Use a Dry Bag

Bring a dry bag with you on your paddleboard to store your belongings, such as your phone, keys, and wallet. This will protect them from getting wet and potentially damaged if you fall in the water.

Get Feedback

It’s always a good idea to get feedback from a qualified paddleboard yoga instructor. They can help you with modifications and provide guidance on proper form to reduce the risk of injury.

Modify Poses

If you’re new to paddleboard yoga, start with beginner poses and modify them as needed. For example, you can practice standing poses with your feet hip-width apart to increase your stability.

Falling in the Water

If you do fall in the water, try to stay calm and hold onto your paddleboard. Use your arms to swim back to the board and climb back on. If you’re having trouble getting back on, use the board as a flotation device and wait for help.

Remember, safety should always be your top priority when practicing paddleboard yoga. By following these safety tips and using common sense, you can enjoy a fun and safe paddleboard yoga experience.

Paddleboard Yoga Techniques

Paddleboard yoga is a great way to challenge yourself while enjoying the beautiful scenery around you. 

You should experiment, listen to your body, and allow your progression into SUP yoga to happen naturally. It is a different style of yoga than you may be used to in a studio or at home, so it’s important to ease into it. 

Some poses that you’ve mastered may be far more challenging on a paddleboard. Start by just relaxing, enjoying the practice, and then gradually mix in more challenging asanas.

If you find yourself drifting off course, don’t worry. Use your paddle to guide you back to where you want to be.

Choosing the Best Paddleboard for Yoga

When it comes to practicing yoga on a paddleboard, choosing the right board is essential. The best paddle boards for yoga are wider and more stable than regular paddleboards, making it easier to maintain your balance during poses. Here are some factors to consider when choosing the best paddleboard for yoga:

Board Type

There are two main types of paddleboards: hard boards and inflatable stand up paddle boards (iSUPs). 

Hard boards are more rigid and provide better stability, but they can be heavy and difficult to transport. Inflatable options, on the other hand, are more portable and easier to store, but they may not be as stable as hard boards.

Board Length and Width

The length and width of your paddleboard will affect its stability and maneuverability. For yoga, you will likely want a board that is at least 32 inches wide and 10 feet long. This will give you enough stability to hold your poses without tipping over.

Board Thickness

The thickness of your paddleboard will affect its buoyancy and stability. For yoga, you want a board that is at least a few inches thick. This will give you enough buoyancy to stay afloat and maintain your balance during poses.

Board Material

The material of your paddleboard will affect its durability and performance. Most paddleboards are made of either foam, fiberglass, or carbon fiber. Foam boards are the most affordable and durable, but they may not provide as much stability as fiberglass or carbon fiber boards.

Popular Paddleboard Yoga Destinations


Ponds are typically the least challenging option for SUP yoga because the water is more still. There may not be as many options for classes around ponds depending on where you live.


Lakes are a great place to practice paddleboard yoga, as they offer calm waters and beautiful scenery. Calmer sections of lakes around beaches or coves can provide a great environment that isn’t too choppy, windy, or difficult to balance.

Many yoga teachers offer classes on lakes, so you can find a class that fits your skill level and schedule.


Rivers can be a bit more challenging than lakes, but they offer a unique and exciting paddleboard yoga experience. The flowing water adds an extra element of balance and focus to your practice.