Half Cobra (Ardha Bhujangasana)

Pose Overview

Common Name Half Cobra
Traditional Sanskrit Name Ardha Bhujangasana
Sanskrit Name Pronunciation Ard-ha Bhu-jang-asana
Pose Difficulty Beginner
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Upward, towards the sky

Half Cobra, also known as Ardha Bhujangasana in Sanskrit, is a modified version of the full Cobra pose. This pose is a great option for those who are new to backbends or for those who have limited mobility in their upper body. It is a great way to strengthen the muscles in the back and abs, as well as open up the chest.

Benefits of Half Cobra

Strengthens the muscles in the back, abs, and shoulders Improves posture Opens up the chest and lungs Relieves stress and tension in the upper body Stimulates the digestive system

How to Enter Half Cobra

Begin on your stomach with your hands placed next to your shoulders Slowly lift your chest off the ground, keeping your elbows close to your body Keep your shoulders relaxed, and avoid pushing too hard Hold for a few breaths, then release

How to Exit Half Cobra

Lower your chest back down to the ground Release the pose and rest

Common Half Cobra Modifications & Variations

Place a block under your hands for added support Keep your elbows close to your sides and your hands pointing straight forward Keep your gaze forward, rather than lifting your head up

Common Mistakes with Half Cobra

Arching your back too much Pushing too hard and straining the lower back Holding the breath

Safety Guidance

Avoid this pose if you have any recent or chronic injury to the back Keep the movements slow and controlled Use your breath to guide you

Person performing the Half Cobra (Ardha Bhujangasana) Yoga Pose


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