Upward Staff (Urdhva Dandasana)

Pose Overview

Common Name Upward Staff
Traditional Sanskrit Name Urdhva Dandasana
Sanskrit Name Pronunciation oord-vah dahn-DAHS-ah-nuh
Pose Difficulty Intermediate
Drishti is the gaze or visual focus point during yoga poses.
Learn more about Drishti
Straight ahead or the nose

Upward Staff pose, also known as Urdhva Dandasana, is a challenging balance pose that requires strength and focus to execute properly. This pose is a variation of the more commonly known Handstand pose and is often used as a preparatory pose for it. It is a great pose for building core strength, improving balance, and increasing upper body strength.

Benefits of Upward Staff

Strengthens the core and upper body Improves balance and focus Stretches the shoulders, chest, and legs Improves digestion Helps relieve stress and anxiety

How to Enter Upward Staff

Start in a standing position with your feet hip-width apart. Bend forward and place your hands on the ground shoulder-width apart. Step your feet back one at a time and come into a plank position. Shift your weight forward and lift one leg up at a time. Keep both legs straight and engage your core. Keep your gaze forward and focus on a point in front of you to help with balance.

How to Exit Upward Staff

Slowly lower one leg at a time to come back into plank position. Step your feet forward one at a time and come back up to standing position.

Common Upward Staff Modifications & Variations

If balance is an issue, you can practice the pose against a wall for support. To make the pose more challenging, try lifting both legs at the same time and hold the pose for longer.

Common Mistakes with Upward Staff

Not engaging the core enough Not keeping the legs straight Not maintaining proper alignment

Safety Guidance

Make sure to engage your core and keep your legs straight Do not practice this pose if you have any shoulder or wrist injuries Listen to your body and only go as far as you feel comfortable