Butterfly (Baddha Konasana)

Pose Overview

Common Name Butterfly
Traditional Sanskrit Name Baddha Konasana
Sanskrit Name Pronunciation bod-dah cone-AHS-ah-nuh
Pose Difficulty Beginner
Drishti is the gaze or visual focus point during yoga poses.
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Straight ahead or the nose

Butterfly, or Baddha Konasana in Sanskrit, is a seated yoga pose that is said to be beneficial for stretching out the hips, inner thighs, and groin. The name of the pose comes from the fact that it resembles a butterfly, with the legs bent and the soles of the feet brought together. The pose is said to be helpful for increasing flexibility and strength in the legs, hips and lower back. It is also said to be beneficial for relieving tension in the lower back and hips, and for promoting a sense of calm and relaxation.

Benefits of Butterfly

Opens the hips and inner thighs, stretches the knees and groins, relieves mild backache, releases tension in the inner groin and pelvic area.

How to Enter Butterfly

Sit on the floor with your knees bent and the soles of your feet together Hold your feet with your hands and use your elbows to gently press your knees toward the floor Sit tall and breathe deeply.

How to Exit Butterfly

Release the hold on your feet and slowly straighten your legs Sit for a few breaths before standing up

Common Butterfly Modifications & Variations

Use blocks or blankets under your knees for support To deepen the stretch, you can gently press your thigh bones towards the floor To make the pose more restful, you can lay your torso over your legs

Common Mistakes with Butterfly

Rounding the back instead of sitting tall Pushing the knees down too hard Not engaging the core

Safety Guidance

Avoid this pose if you have knee or ankle injuries Be mindful of your lower back and avoid rounding it