Cow’s face (Gomukhasana)

Pose Overview

Common Name Cow's face
Traditional Sanskrit Name Gomukhasana
Sanskrit Name Pronunciation go-moo-kha-sa-na
Pose Difficulty Intermediate
Drishti is the gaze or visual focus point during yoga poses.
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Straight ahead or the nose

Cow Face Pose, also known as Gomukhasana, is an intermediate level yoga pose that is typically used to improve flexibility in the shoulders, hips and spine. The name of the pose, Gomukhasana, comes from the Sanskrit words "go" meaning "cow," "mukha" meaning "face," and "asana" meaning "pose." This pose is said to resemble the face of a cow, hence the name.

Benefits of Cow's face

Improves flexibility in the shoulders, hips, and spine Stretches the chest, shoulders, and hips Helps to relieve stress and tension in the shoulders and back Can help to improve posture

How to Enter Cow's face

Start in a seated position with both legs extended out in front of you Bend your left knee and place your left foot under your right knee Bend your right knee and place your right foot on top of your left knee Bring your left arm behind your back and reach up towards your right shoulder blade Bring your right arm behind your back and reach up towards your left shoulder blade Hold your left elbow with your right hand and your right elbow with your left hand Keep your back straight and your head in line with your spine

How to Exit Cow's face

Release the hold on your elbows Slowly straighten both legs out in front of you Sit in a comfortable position

Common Cow's face Modifications & Variations

If you are unable to reach your elbows behind your back, you can use a strap or towel to help bring your hands closer together You can also use a block or pillow to sit on if your hips are tight

Common Mistakes with Cow's face

Rounding the back Lifting the shoulders Tucking the chin

Safety Guidance

If you have any shoulder or elbow injuries, it is best to avoid this pose or use modifications Be careful not to push your body too hard, listen to your body and only go as far as is comfortable

Person performing the Cow's face (Gomukhasana) Yoga Pose


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