Fire Log (Ardha Agnistambhasana)

Pose Overview

Common Name Fire Log
Traditional Sanskrit Name Ardha Agnistambhasana
Sanskrit Name Pronunciation ard-hah ahn-gis-tahm-bah-sah-nah
Pose Difficulty Beginner
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Straight ahead or the nose

Fire Log, or Ardha Agnistambhasana in Sanskrit, is a seated yoga pose that is said to open up the hips and stretch the legs. The name of the pose comes from the fact that it looks like two logs stacked on top of each other, with the legs resembling the logs and the torso resembling the kindling. The pose is said to be beneficial for increasing flexibility and strength in the legs, hips and lower back. It is also said to be helpful for improving balance and stability, and for relieving tension in the lower back and hips.

Benefits of Fire Log

Fire Log pose is a gentle, yet effective pose that strengthens the legs and core, improves balance and flexibility in the hips and spine, and stretches the shoulders and chest.

How to Enter Fire Log

Start in a seated position with your legs extended straight out in front of you. Bend your left knee and place your left foot on the outside of your right thigh, with your left knee pointing to the ceiling. Slowly lower your right knee to the floor, keeping your foot flexed and your left knee pointing up. Sit up tall and bring your left hand to your left knee, and your right hand to the floor behind you for support. Hold the position for a few breaths, then repeat on the other side.

How to Exit Fire Log

Slowly release your left hand from your left knee, and your right hand from the floor. Straighten your right leg and bring both legs together. Sit up tall and release the pose.

Common Fire Log Modifications & Variations

If your hips are tight, you can sit on a folded blanket or block to elevate your hips and ease into the pose If your balance is challenged, use a wall for support by placing your hand on it while entering and exiting the pose.

Common Mistakes with Fire Log

Rounding the back, instead of keeping the spine straight Not keeping the left knee pointing up towards the ceiling Not keeping the foot flexed

Safety Guidance

Be cautious if you have any knee or ankle injuries Listen to your body and avoid pushing beyond your limits

Person performing the Fire Log (Ardha Agnistambhasana
) Yoga Pose


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