Rabbit (Sasangasana)

Pose Overview

Common Name Rabbit
Traditional Sanskrit Name Sasangasana
Sanskrit Name Pronunciation sa-sang-ga-sa-na
Pose Difficulty Beginner
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Rabbit Pose, also known as Sasangasana, is a gentle backbend that is suitable for beginners. It is an excellent pose to open up the spine, stretch the shoulders, and relieve stress. The pose gets its name from the way the body looks when it is in the full expression of the pose, which resembles a rabbit. This pose is often used as a counterpose to forward bends, such as Child's Pose or Downward-Facing Dog, to release tension in the spine and create balance in the body.

Benefits of Rabbit

Stretches the spine, neck and the back of the legs. Relieves stress and tension in the spine. Opens up the shoulders and chest. Improves digestion and helps relieve menstrual discomfort. Calms the mind and helps relieve mild depression.

How to Enter Rabbit

Start on your hands and knees, with your wrists under your shoulders and your knees under your hips. Bring your hands back to your heels, so that your fingers are pointing towards your toes. Sit back on your heels and bring your forehead to the floor. Reach your arms back and grasp your heels. Press your hips towards your heels and lift your head and shoulders off the floor.

How to Exit Rabbit

Release your heels and bring your forehead back to the floor. Sit back on your heels and relax.

Common Rabbit Modifications & Variations

-If you are unable to reach your heels, use a strap or a rolled-up blanket to help you reach them. -If you are unable to sit back on your heels, sit on a folded blanket or block.

Common Mistakes with Rabbit

-Rounding the spine instead of keeping it long -Not pressing hips towards heel -Putting too much pressure on your head

Safety Guidance

-Be sure to keep your spine long and avoid rounding your back. -Take care not to put too much pressure on your head or neck. -If you have any knee or ankle injuries, please avoid this pose.

Person performing the Rabbit (Sasangasana) Yoga Pose


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